This is what happens when I take vacations? My inbox got flooded with new releases ? haven't done a MMMM in some time now ? so this one is packed with great new and a few classic releases. Chris Thompson: The Road Ahead ...
Shortly after the festival Hoest wanted to give it a go and see if it was something for him and the band. In September Hoest came to Sarpsborg to do the vocals on a Celtic Frost cover and it turned out that he was perfect for Ragnarok. ...
roncarney i dag h?rte jeg p? mew p? f?rste gang siden ca et ?r siden. ok litt rar setning. og vi spiste mat p? tapasrestauranten p? kaland. stakkar de har nesten ingen kunder. det var god mat da. ?h jeg vil dra til friesland igjen og ...